The Rolling Hills Consolidated Library meeting rooms are made available for use by non-profit organizations, government agencies, and groups and individuals engaged in educational, civic, cultural, and intellectual activities. These rooms are also used for library programs, which always take precedence over use by the public. Non-commercial use of a meeting room by a business or for-profit entity will require a $50.00 charge per day. All other uses are free of charge.
There are STUDY ROOMS at both locations as well as MEETING ROOMS. Some rooms are reserved for library use only and not available for the public. In order to reserve a room, you can do it yourself online, or call one of the library locations and a staff person will go through the process with you. All rooms except study rooms must be booked at least 2-3 days in advance.
Belt Branch (Both Levels) in St. Joseph
Savannah Branch in Savannah
Virtual Rooms!! You can reserve a virtual Zoom room at no charge to meet with family, friends, or for your community group or club.
The full text of the library's meeting room policy can be found here:
Submission of a room reservation request implies full agreement and compliance with the library's meeting room policies.